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Quick Overview Sample Essay Evaluations by IELTSGPT
利用人工智能的力量,我們已經編制了ielts writing samples,以增強您的準備體驗。這些基於AI的評估不僅反映了科技進步,而且提供了一種獨特而有效的學習和準備方法。
快速看一下我們精心組裝的Band 9,8,7和6的樣本文章評估。
Band 9 - the epitome of expertise
Question Prompt
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex and mixed schools co-exist and it is up to the parents or the children to decide which model is preferable.
Some educationalists think that it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. It also allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the school to choose subjects more freely without gender prejudice. For example, a much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls’ schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly, boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study languages, which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls.
On the other hand, some experts would argue that mixed schools prepare their pupils better for their future lives. Girls and boys learn to live and work together from an early age and are consequently not emotionally underdeveloped in their relations with the opposite sex. They are also able to learn from each other, and to experience different types of skill and talent than might be evident in a single gender environment.
Personally, I think that there are advantages to both systems. I went to a mixed school, but feel that I myself missed the opportunity to specialise in science because it was seen as the natural domain and career path for boys when I was a girl. So because of that, I would have preferred to go to a girls’ school. But hopefully times have changed, and both genders of student can have equal chances to study what they want to in whichever type of school they attend.
IELTSGPT Evaluation - Overall comment
Overall, this essay scored in the region of an 8.5.
The arguments were well-presented, and you've shown a good understanding of the topic. You've managed to discuss both views fairly and your personal opinion is well articulated. However, there are a few areas that could do with some improvement. Though you've touched upon the advantages of both single-sex and mixed schools, you could delve a bit deeper into the disadvantages of each system.
Also, while the transition between the ideas is generally smooth, we can work on making it even smoother to enhance the flow of your essay.
Your vocabulary is commendable, but try to introduce more variety and precision in your choice of words. Finally, be mindful of sentence structure for clarity and to avoid any abrupt transitions.
Nonetheless, you're doing a stellar job and with a bit more practice, I am confident you will master these areas. Keep up the good work!
Band 8 - showcasing proficiency
Question Prompt
Society is based on rules and laws. It could not funtion well if individuals were free to do as they please. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Overall, I agree with the view that laws and rules set down by the government are necessary for the well-being of society. Society would be in complete chaos without due restrictions.
There are two reasons for this. Firstly, as the earth’s resources are limited and there are not enough to satisfy everyone, laws provide the necessary criteria to help people to address conflicts of interest. For example, property law helps citizens to identify property ownership, and help them to avoid fights over a piece of land or personal property as was common in early history. Secondly, laws and rules force people to live up to their obligations. Without the deterrent effect of heavy fines, drivers would De more likely to exceed the speed limit, despite the possibility of hitting other cars or pedestrians. Similarly, without environmental laws and regulations, more factories may discharge toxic sewage directly into rivers and lakes, resulting in serious ecological consequences.
On the other hand, although laws and rules are the cornerstone of an orderly society, regulation should be a means rather than an end. It is possible that some laws and rules are so harsh that most citizens feel their rights are violated. When this happens, the government should respect the will of the majority and change these laws and rules.
In conclusion, I believe that the rule of law is essential for any properly-functioning society because it makes society more stable, efficient and fair. Nevertheless, laws and rules should be changed if most citizens believe that they are too strict, so that laws and rules can be enforced without denying citizens the freedom that they deserve.
IELTSGPT Evaluation - Lexical Resource comment
This scored in the region of a 8.
Your Lexical Resource is exemplary - you have a real talent for using language in a way that captivates the reader. I'm really impressed with the range of vocabulary you've used in your essay, especially words like "due restrictions," "conflicts of interest," "ecological consequences," and "violate their rights."
However, I think there's always room for improvement, and I believe you could have used more precise vocabulary in a few instances to convey your intended meaning more clearly. For example, instead of saying "heavy fines," you could have said "stringent penalties" to make your argument clearer. But overall, you've used language correctly and appropriately, and you've shown a good understanding of the meaning of the words and phrases you've used.
Band 7 - representing operational competence
Question Prompt
In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think that university graduates who become new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is still a wide gap between the educational and medical facilities in urban and rural areas. Having seen this, some people suggest that new teachers and doctors work in the rural area for some time. I think this may lead to some practical problems.
I agree that sending new teachers and doctors to the rural area may help them to develop a strong sense of responsibility. They will feel it is a pity that the rural residents suffer from poor teaching and medical services, and they have the responsibility to change the situation. Their knowledge and skills gained through higher education can help them to contribute to improvements in local education and health care.
However, sending university graduates to rural areas can also cause significant problems. Many of them will feel frustrated they are forced to work in areas where they may have difficulty adapting to the local lifestyles. Even if they can finally get used to the underdeveloped facilities there, they will find it difficult to readapt to the life in cities when they come back. Much pressure will also be felt if they return to cities but have problems operating the teaching tools or medical equipment in cities, which are more advanced and harder to use. These teachers and doctors may even think of themselves as complete failures because they may be unable to keep up with their colleagues after spending some time in rural areas.
To conclude, I tend to believe that new teachers and new doctors own choices should be respected when they are asked to work in rural areas.
IELTSGPT Evaluation - Coherence And Cohesion comment
This scored in the region of a 7
Your coherence and cohesion game is strong! Your essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. However, I'd recommend adding more background information to the introduction to make it even stronger.
Your body paragraphs are organized and each one covers a specific point in detail. Your conclusion does a great job summarizing the main ideas you presented. I'm impressed with how you effectively used paragraphs to separate different ideas and topics. And your use of appropriate linking words and phrases created a smooth transition between sentences and paragraphs.
Band 6 - demonstrating effective communication
Question Prompt
Some people believe that entertainers are paid too much and their impact on society is negative, while others disagree and believe that they deserve the money that they make because of their positive effects on society. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.
The entertainment industry is one of the largest sectors in all around the world. Some think that the people who work in that industry earn too much money considering their bad influence on society, and I agree. Others, however, believe that their positive impact on others is worth the money that they are paid.
On the one hand, there is no doubt that show business is an enormous and unfairly well paid sector. In addition to that, members of it do not add real value, compared to others like, for instance, education workers. Although in some countries teachers live with unreasonable wages, their responsibility, is extremely valuable for next generations become better people. Whereas a singer can earn double their yearly salary from one concert. The other important point is, for a balanced and equal society, the difference between income levels must not be very high. Regardless than their contribution, no one should make billions of dollars that easily, because that imbalance does have a significant negative impact on societies.
On the other hand, some people think that entertainers’ contribution to the modern life is worth the money they earn. It can be understood that for many people, watching a movie or going to a concert is irreplaceable with other activities; therefore, they think that their positive impact is crucial for a significant proportion of people. In addition to that, celebrities do compromise their privacy and freedom with being known by many others. In exchange of that, they do deserve a comfortable life with significantly better paychecks.
In conclusion, despite their minimal contribution with their work to the people and sacrifice from their private life; I believe that their impact is far from being positive and they are not paid fairly or balanced with others.
IELTSGPT Evaluation - Task Response comment
This scored in the region of a 6.
The essay has addressed all parts of the question prompt. The writer has discussed both views and given their own opinion. However, the writer's opinion could have been more clearly stated in the introduction.
The essay presents a clear argument related to the topic, but the argument could have been more effectively developed. The writer's stance is clear, but the reasoning behind it could have been more thoroughly explained.
The essay provides specific examples and evidence to support the arguments, such as the comparison between entertainers and education workers. However, the evidence could have been more detailed and persuasive.
The ideas in the essay are developed in a logical and coherent way. The writer has used appropriate linking words and phrases to connect ideas. However, there are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasing that disrupt the flow of the essay. The conclusion could have been more effectively summarized and restated the main points of the essay.
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A Detailed Look at AI-Generated Sample Essay Planning
Take a look at a model IELTS essay planning outline based on the question prompt:
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Model IELTS essay planning outline:
Issues in the topic
- Gender Segregation in Education: The topic discusses the idea of segregating boys and girls in different schools for their education.
- Impact on Learning: The topic also raises the question of how such segregation or integration might affect the learning and overall development of boys and girls.
- Diverse Opinions: The topic acknowledges that there are different opinions on this issue, indicating a debate on the best approach to gender in education.
Best main points
- Benefits of Single-Sex Education: One main point to discuss could be the potential benefits of single-sex education, such as fewer distractions, more focus on academic achievement, and the possibility of tailored teaching methods.
- Advantages of Co-Education: Another main point could be the advantages of mixed schools, such as fostering mutual respect and understanding between genders, preparing students for real-world interactions, and promoting equality.
- Personal Opinion: The final main point should be the writer’s own opinion on the matter, backed by their reasoning and possibly some evidence or examples.
Supporting points
- Benefits of Single-Sex Education:
- Fewer distractions: In single-sex schools, students might be less prone to social pressures and distractions that come with adolescence and interaction with the opposite sex. For example, they might focus more on their studies rather than on impressing their peers.
- Tailored teaching methods: Single-sex schools may allow for teaching methods that cater specifically to the learning styles of each gender. For instance, research has shown that boys and girls learn differently and at different paces.
- Advantages of Co-Education:
- Fostering mutual respect: Mixed schools provide an environment where boys and girls can learn to respect and understand each other. This can be exemplified by group projects or team sports where both genders work together.
- Preparing for real-world interactions: Co-education schools mirror the diversity of the real world and thus better prepare students for future professional and social interactions. For instance, in a workplace, men and women often need to collaborate and communicate effectively.
- Personal Opinion:
- The writer should clearly state their stance on the issue, whether they favor single-sex or co-education schools. They should provide reasons for their opinion and, if possible, support it with personal experiences or relevant studies.
Useful Vocabulary
- Academic words: Distractions, Tailored, Fostering, Mutual respect, Interactions, Diversity, Collaborate, Communicate.
- Collocations: Social pressures, Learning styles, Real-world interactions, Personal experiences, Relevant studies.
- Synonyms:
- Single-sex schools: Gender-segregated schools, Same-sex schools.
- Co-education schools: Mixed schools, Integrated schools.
- Distractions: Diversions, Interruptions.
- Mutual respect: Reciprocal respect, Mutual admiration.
- Interactions: Communication, Engagement.
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